Resource Library

AAC and Assistive Technology

A Meta-Analysis of Single Case Research Studies on Aided Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Author: Ganz, J.B., Earles-Vollrath, R.L., Heath, A.K., Parker, R.I., Rispoli, M.J., & Duran, J.B.
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC


AAC Meta Analysis

AAC and RTI: Building Classroom-Based Strategies for Every Child in the Classroom

Author: Grether, S.M., & Sickman, L.S.



AAC Do’s and Don’ts

Author: Enders, L, Mervine, P., Skocypec, M., VanAlstine, C.
AAC Dos and Donts

AAC Myths or Facts!

Author: DynaVox Mayer-Johnson
AAC Myths or Facts

AAC Planning and Support Sequence

Author: Kleinert, Kearns, Hooey
Publisher: University of Kentucky


AAC Planning and Support Sequence

Aided Language Stimulation

Publisher: AAC Institute


Aided Language Stimulation

Apps and Websites to Support Learning and Communication

Author: Nevers, M.


Apps and Websites

Augmentative Communication and Early Intervention: Myths and Realities

Author: Romski, M., & Sevcik, R.A.
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


AC and Early Intervention

Communication Bill of Rights Check-List

Publisher: National Joint Committee Communicative for the Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities


Bill of Rights

Communication Skills in Girls With Rett Syndrome

Author: Bartolotta, T.E., Zipp, G.P., Simpkins, S.D., & Glazewski, B.
Publisher: SAGE


Focus on Autism

Evidence-based Literacy Intervention for Individuals with Autism Who Require AAC

Author: Light, J., & McNaughton, D.
Publisher: Penn State University


Evidence-based Literacy

Evidence-Based Practice for Teaching Academics to Students With Severe Developmental Disabilities

Author: Spooner, F., Knight, V.F., Browder, D.M., & Smith, B.R.
Publisher: Remedial and Special Education


Teaching Academics to Students

Helping the General Education Team Support Students Who Use AAC

Author: Zangari, C.
Publisher: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association


Supporting Students

Integrated Communication and Literacy Instruction for a Child with Multiple Disabilities

Author: Erickson, K.A., Koppenhaver, D.A., Yoder, D.E., & Nance, J.
Publisher: Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities


Integrated Communication

Scaffolding Conversations Through Communication Circles & Social Scripts

Author: Musselwhite, C., Sheldon, E., Wagner, D., Hanser, G., & Buell, L.R.


Scaffolding Conversations

Strategies to Increase Success for AAC Users Including Students with ASD

Author: Musselwhite, C.


Strategies to Increase Success

The 7 Deadly Sins

Author: Kearns, Kleinert, Hooey
Publisher: TAALC Project


7 Deadly Sins

The Importance of Developing Communicative Competence: For Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Author: Kleinert, J., Holman, A., McSheehan, M., & Kearns, J.F.
Publisher: University of Kentucky National Alternate Assessment Center


Communicative Competence

The Vocabulary of Beginning Writers: Implications for Children with Complex Communication Needs

Author: Clendon, S.A., & Erickson, K.A.
Publisher: Augmentative and Alternative Communication


Vocabulary of Beginning Writers

Training Paraeducators to Promote the Use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication by Students with Signficant Disabilities

Author: Bingham, M.A., Spooner, F., & Browder, D.
Publisher: Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities


Training Paraeducators

Twenty Years of Communication Intervention Research With Individuals Who Have Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Author: Snell, M.E., Brady, N., McLean, L., Ogletree, B.T., Siegel, E., Sylvester, L., Mineo, B., Paul, D., Romski, M.A., & Sevcik, R.
Publisher: AAIDD


20 Years of Intervention

You’re Going to Love This Kid!

Author: Kluth, P.
Publisher: Brookes Publishing


You’re Going to Love This Kid

Culturally Responsive Practices

A Guide for Using the Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Disability Organizations

Author: Goode, T.D.
Publisher: National Center for Cultural Competence – Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development


Cultural Competence Assessment

African American Children and Learning Differences

Author: National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Abilities


African American Children – Learning Differences

And Campus for All: Diversity, Inclusion, and Freedom of Speech at U.S. Universities

Author: Pen America


And Campus For All

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Assessment for Disability Organizations

Author: Goode, T.D., Trivedi, P., & Jones, W.
Publisher: National Center for Cultural Competence – Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development


Cultural and Linguistic Competence

Data for Black Lives

Disproportionality in Education

Author: NASP

Educational Rights of Immigrant Students Now That DACA is Rescinded

Author: American Federation of Teachers

First Encounters with Race and Racism: Teaching Ideas for Classroom Conversations

Author: Spiegler, J.
Publisher: New York Times


Inclusive Education and the Interlocking of Race and Ability in the United States

Author: Artiles, A.J, Kozleski, E.B., & Waitoller, F.
Publisher: Harvard Education Press


Inclusive Ed – Ability & Race

Know Your K-12 Education Rights

Author: Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Know Your K-12 Education Rights

On…Transformed, Inclusive Schools

Author: Ferguson, D.L., Kozleski, E.B., Fulton, M.L., & Smith, A.
Publisher: National Institute for Urban School Improvement


Transformed Inclusive Schools

Preparing Teachers for the Future

Author: Ferguson, D.L.
Publisher: National Institute for Urban School Improvement


Preparing Teachers for the Future

Racial and Ethnic Disproportionality in Education – NASP Position Statement

Author: NASP


Racial & Ethnic Disproportionality

Racism, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Author: NASP


Racism and Prejudice

Responding to Hate and Bias at School

Author: Willoughby, B.
Publisher: Teaching Tolerance – Southern Poverty Law Center
Responding to Hate and Bias

Student Rights at School: Six Things You Need to Know

Author: Tashman, B.
Publisher: ACLU


Students Have a Right to Protest During National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance

Author: Blad, E.
Publisher: Education Week


Unspeakable Offenses: Untangling Race and Disability in Discourses of Intersectionality

Author: Erevelles, N., & Minear, A.
Publisher: Liverpool University Press


Unspeakable Offenses

Family Resources

Inclusion Includes Belonging: How to Create and Sustain a Circle of Support

Author: Fialka Feldman, E., Fialka Feldman, M., & Fialka, J.


Circle of Support

A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community-Business Partnerships

Author: Luecking, R., Deschamps, A., Allison, R., Hyatt, J., Stuart, C.
Publisher: TransCen, Inc./The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition


Partnership Guide

An Exploratory Investigation Into Family Perspectives After the Family Employment Awareness Training

Author: Francis, G.L., Gross, J.M.S, Turnbull, A.P., & Turnbull III, H.R.
Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities


Exploratory Investigation

College and Career Ready Standards and Individualized Education Programs: Information for Parents

Author: PACER Center


Information for Parents

College and Career Ready Standards and Students with Disabilities: What Parents Need to Know

Author: PACER Center
Publisher: National Parent Technical Assistance Center


What Parents Need to Know

Documents to Keep for Youth Transitioning to Adult Life

Author: PACER Center


Youth Transition Documents

Help Your Young Adult Learn About Accessing Accommodations After High School

Author: PACER Center


Accessing Accommodations

Intellectual Ability and Assessment: A Primer for Parents and Educators

Author: Ortiz, S.O., Lella, S.A., & Canter, A.
Publisher: National Association of School Psychologists


Intellectual Ability and Assessment

Parent Tips for Transition Planning

Author: PACER Center


Parent Tips

Transition to Adulthood: Where Do We Start?

Author: PACER Center


Where Do We Start?


Guardianship/Supported Decision-making

Intelligent Lives – Guardianship/Supported Decision-Making

Publisher: Institute on Disability


Supported Decision-Making Brief

Beyond the Binary: Using a Supported Decision-Making Lens in Evaluating Competence

Author: ACLU
Beyond the Binary

How to Make a Supported Decision-Making Agreement: A Guide for People with Disabilities and their Families

Author: ACLU
Supported Decision-Making Agreement

Supported Decision-Making Agreement

Author: ACLU
Supported Decision-Making Agreement

What is Supported Decision-Making and What Does a Supporter Do?

Author: ACLU
Supported Decision-Making Guide


Relationships & Sexuality

Dating FAQ’s

Author: Couwenhoven, T.
Dating FAQ’s

Disabled and Fighting for a Sex Life

Author: Quarmby, K.
Publisher: The Atlantic


Fighting for a Sex Life

Elevatus Sexuality Workshop Brochure

Publisher: Elevatus Training, LLC


Sexuality Brochure

GULP! – Talking with Your Kids About Sexuality

Publisher: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England


GULP Brochure

Sex Positive Quiz

Publisher: Elevatus Training, LLC


Sex Positive Quiz

Sexual Education Resources

Author: Respectability
Sexual Education

Sexual Self-Advocacy Brochure

Publisher: Green Mountain Self-Advocates


Sexual Self-Advocacy

Sexuality and Disability


Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Parents

Author: Alberta Health Services


Guide for Parents

Teaching Sexuality: What Works?

Author: Couwenhoven, T.
Publisher: Woodbine House


Teaching Sexuality

What is a Sexually Healthy Person?

Publisher: Elevatus Training, LLC


Sexually Healthy Person

Disability Rights and History

DREAM – Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring

Publisher: National Center for College Students with Disabilities



A Brief History of Mental Testing

Author: Lichtenstein, B.
A Brief History

Before It Had a Name: Exploring the Historical Roots of Disability Studies in Education

Author: Taylor, S.J.
Publisher: Peter Lang


Before It Had a Name

History, Eugenics and Genetics

Author: Personal Genetics Education Project


History, Eugenics and Genetics

The Biasing Effects of Labels on Direct Observation by Preservice Teachers

Author: Allday, R.A., Duhon, G.J., Blackburn-Ellis, S., & Van Dycke, J.L.
Publisher: SAGE


Biasing Effects

The Movement for Independent Living and Disability Rights: Origins and Objectives

Author: Hahn, H.


Movement for Independent Living

Intelligence Testing

What Does the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Say About IQ Testing?

Author: Ricki Sabia/NDSC

The need to determine whether a child is judged to have “subaverage intellectual functioning” is what triggers intelligence quotient (IQ) testing (also called “intelligence tests” or “cognitive assessments”). Learn more!

Intelligent Lives IQ Testing Brief

10 Things You Can Do to Support A Person With Difficult Behaviors

Author: Pitonyak, D.
Publisher: The Community Journal


10 Things You Can Do

A problem with success

Author: Dillon, J.


Problem with Success

An Analysis of the Learning Characteristics of Students Taking Alternate Assessments Based on Alternate Achievement Standards

Author: Towles-Reeves, E., Kearns, J., Kleinert, H., & Kleinert, J.
Publisher: The Journal of Special Education


Analysis of Learning Characteristics

Beyond Treats and Timeouts: Humanistic Behavioral Supports in Inclusive Classrooms

Author: Causton, J., Tracy-Bronson, C.P., & MacLeod, K.
Publisher: International Journal of Whole Schooling


Beyond Treats and Timeouts

Functional Behavioral Assessment in an RTI Framework

Author: Alvarez, M.E., & Filter, K.J.
Publisher: National Association of Secondary School Principals


Functional Behavioral Assessment

Long Island Is the Opt-Out from Testing Epicenter of New York

Author: Ravitch, D.


Long Island Opt-Out

NCLB Rewrite Could Target Mandate on Annual Tests

Author: Klein, A., & Camera, L.
Publisher: Education Week


NCLB Rewrite

Over-testing our kids is not the answer – it’s the problem

Author: Kamenetz, A.
Publisher: Salon


Over-testing our kids

Pushing Back Against High Stakes for Students with Disabilities

Author: Tanis, B.
Publisher: AFT
Pushing Back Against High Stakes

Rethinking Assumptions about Alternate Assessment based on Alternate Achivement Standards

Author: National Center on Educational Outcomes/ National Alternate Assessment Center


Rethinking Assumptions

Schoolwide Application of Positive Behavior Support in an Urban High School: A Case Study

Author: Bohanon, H., Fenning, P., Carney, K.L., Minnis-Kim, M. J., Anderson-Harriss, S., Moroz, K.B., Hicks, K.J., Kasper, B.B., Culos, C., Sailor, W., & Pigott, T.D.
Publisher: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Positive Behavior Support

Special Education: Duncan Sets Unreachable Goals

Author: Ravitch, D.


Duncan Sets Unreachable Goals

Testing More, Teaching Less

Author: Nelson, H.
Publisher: American Federation of Teachers


Teaching More, Teaching Less

The Learning Disabilities Association of America’s White Paper on Evaluation, Identification, and Eligibility Criteria for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities

Publisher: Learning Disabilities Association of America


LDA White Paper

The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing – But You Don’t Have to Be

Author: Kamenetz, A.
Publisher: PublicAffairs


The Test

What Works: Functional Behavior Assessment

Author: National Center on Inclusive Education


What Works: FBA

Where Do Special Education Groups Stand on Annual NCLB Tests?

Author: Klein, A.
Publisher: Education Week


Special Education Groups

Where Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities Are Taught: Implications for General Curriculum Access

Author: Kleinert, H., Towles-Reeves, E., Quenemoen, R., Thurlow, M., Fluegge, L., Weseman, L., & Kerbel, A.
Publisher: Exceptional Children


Exceptional Children article


Inclusion Includes Belonging: How to Create and Sustain a Circle of Support

Author: Fialka Feldman, E., Fialka Feldman, M., & Fialka, J.


Circle of Support

“I Can” and “I Did” – Self-Advocacy for Young Students With Developmental Disabilities

Author: Kleinert, J.O., Harrison, E.M., Fisher, T.L., & Kleinert, H.L.
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children


Self-Advocacy for Young Students

“Self-determination is what it’s all about”: What Post-secondary Students with Disabilities Tell us are Important Considerations for Success

Author: Thoma, C.A., & Getzel, E.E.
Publisher: Division on Developmental Disabilities


Considerations for Success

A Social-Ecological Analysis of the Self-Determination Literature

Author: Shogren, K.A.
Publisher: AAIDD


Analysis of Self-Determination Literature

Advising through Self-Determination: An Information Guide for Advisors

Author: Calkins, C.F., Beckmann, C., Gotto, G., Jackson, L., McCarthy, K., Peterson, J., Heller, T., & Collins, S.
Publisher: University of Missouri – Kansas City


Advising through Self-Determination

Advocacy Toolkit for Self-Advocates

Author: National Down Syndrome Congress
Advocacy Toolkit

Causal Agency Theory: Reconceptualizing a Functional Model of Self-Determination

Author: Shogren, K.A., Wehmeyer, M.L., Palmer, S.B., & Forber-Pratt, A.J.
Publisher: University of Kansas
Causal Agency Theory

Chart Your Own Future: How Your Individualized Education Program (IEP) Can Help

Author: PACER Center


Chart Your Own Future

Effect of Intervention With the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on Access and Goal Attainment

Author: Shogren, K.A., Palmer, S.B., Wehmeyer, M.L., Williams-Diehm, K., Little, T.D.
Publisher: SAGE


Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction

Helping Students Develop Their IEPs [and] A Student’s Guide to the IEP

Author: Kupper, L.


Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS)

How to Help Students Lead Their IEP Meetings

Author: Mason, C.Y., McGahee-Kovac, M., & Johnson, L.
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children
Student IEP Meetings

I am Norm: Giving Voice to Youth

Author: I am Norm


I am Norm

I’m Determined!

Publisher: Virginia Department of Education
I’m Determined!

IEP One-Pager Planning Tool

Author: Fialka, J., & Fialka Feldman, E.
Publisher: Inclusion Press


IEP Planning Tool

Impact of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on Teacher Perceptions of Student Capacity and Opportunity for Self-Determination

Author: Shogren, K.A., Palmer, S.B., Wehmeyer, M.L., Plotner, A.J., & Paek Youngshil
Publisher: Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities


Self-Determined Learning Model

Implementation of Self-Determination Activities and Student Participation in IEPs

Author: Mason, C., Field, S., & Sawilowsky, S.
Publisher: Council for Exceptional Children


Self-Determination Activities

Increasing Teacher Awareness of Self-Determination

Author: Michali, Y.E.


Increasing Teacher Awareness

Inspiring Possibilities: Sample Self-Advocacy Plan

Author: PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment


Self-Advocacy Plan

Inspiring Possibilities: Your IEP Meeting: A Great Place to Practice Self-Advocacy Skills

Author: PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment


Your IEP Meeting

Integrating “Youth Guided” and “Cultural and Linguistic Competence” Values Into Systems of Care

Author: Reid, R.
Publisher: Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health


Youth Guided Systems of Care

Making Action Plans: Student-Centered Transitional Planning

Publisher: Paul V. Sherlock Center, Rhode Island College


Making Action Plans

Relationships Between Self-Determination and Postschool Outcomes for Youth With Disabilities

Author: Shogren, K.A., Wehmeyer, M.L., Palmer, S.B., Rifenbark, G.G., & Little, T.D.
Publisher: The Journal of Special Education


Self-Determination Relationships

Resources on Self-Determination

Author: Wozniak, S.
Publisher: Lower Hudson Regional Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center


Resources on Self-Determination

Student “Draft IEP” Interactive Tool

Author: Westchester Institute for Human Development


Student “Draft IEP” Interactive Tool

The 411 on Disability Disclosure

Author: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth
Publisher: Institute for Educational Leadership


Disability Disclosure 411

The Youth Involvement Checklist

Author: Youth Move


Youth Involvement Checklist

Transition in the 21st Century: Self-determination and Changing Understandings of Disability

Author: Wehmeyer, M.L., Beach, R., & Beach, M.
Publisher: University of Kansas
Transition in the 21st Century

Welcome to the Autistic Community!

Author: Autism NOW Center/ Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Austistic Community

What Works: Youth Empowerment

Author: National Center on Inclusive Education


Youth Empowerment

Postsecondary/Higher Education

Think College

DREAM – Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring

Publisher: National Center for College Students with Disabilities



“Opening Doors to College” Film

Author: Dan Habib
Publisher: Pennsylvania Inclusive Higher Education Consortium


Opening Doors to College

12 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Going to College with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Author: Ladau, E.


12 Things I Wish I’d Known

A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Author: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/ United States Department of Education


Transition Guide

AHEAD White Paper on Students with Intellectual Disabilities and Campus Disability Services

Author: Thompson, T., Weir, C., & Ashmore, J.


AHEAD White Paper

CTE Today!

Publisher: Association for Career and Technical Education


CTE Today Fact Sheet

Federal Financial Aid for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Federal Financial Aid

How We Made it Happen: Interviews with Parent Leaders about Their Kids Going to College

Author: Leuchovius, D., and Roy, S.
Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


How We Made it Happen

Let’s Talk About College: What Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Say About Postsecondary Education

Author: Institute for Innovative Transition
Let’s Talk About College

Making My Way Through College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities

Author: Hallas, J., Larson, M., & Fink, D.
Publisher: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth, Institute for Educational Leadership


Making My Way Through College

National Center for College Students with Disabilities

Parents Can Think College

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Parents Can Think College

Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes for Transition-age Youth with and Without Disabilities: A Secondary Analysis of American Community Survey Data

Author: Smith, F.A., Grigal, M., & Sulewski, J.S.
Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Postsecondary Education and Employment

Rethinking College Video

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Rethinking College

Snapshot: Higher Education Access for Students with Intellectual Disability in the US

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Think College Snapshot

Students Can Think College

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Students Can Think College

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights


Preparing for Postsecondary Education

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

Author: U.S. Department of Education


Preparing for Postsecondary Education

Students with Intellectual Disabilities Going to College? Absolutely!

Author: Kleinert, H., Jones, M., Sheppard-Jones, K., Harp, B., and Harrison, E.
Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Students with Intellectual Disabilities Going to College

Teachers Can Think College

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Teachers Can Think College

Think College Fact Sheet

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


Think College Fact Sheet

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors Can Think College

Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


VRC Can Think College

What’s the Point? A Reflection About the Purpose and Outcomes of College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Author: Grigal, M., & Hard, D.
Publisher: Think College, Institute for Community Inclusion, University of Massachusetts Boston


What’s the Point?

Youth Action Council on Transition (YouthACT)

Publisher: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability


Youth Action Council on Transition


“Opening Doors to College” Film

Author: Dan Habib
Publisher: Pennsylvania Inclusive Higher Education Consortium


Opening Doors to College

A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community-Business Partnerships

Author: Luecking, R., Deschamps, A., Allison, R., Hyatt, J., Stuart, C.
Publisher: TransCen, Inc./The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition


Partnership Guide

A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Author: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/ United States Department of Education


Transition Guide

A Young Person’s Guide to Health Care Transition

Author: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability


Guide to Health Care

Collaborative Interagency, Interdisciplinary Approach to Transition – Executive Summary

Author: Antosh, A.A., Blair, M., Edwards, K., Goode, T., Hewitt, A., Izzo, M., Johnson, D.R., Raynor, O., Riddle, I., Shanley, J.L., Walker, R., Wehmeyer, M.
Publisher: AUCD


Approach to Transition

Dude, Where’s My Transition Plan?

Publisher: The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities/UMDNJ


Where’s My Transition Plan?

Evidence-Based Practices and Predictors in Secondary Transition: What We Know and What We Still Need to Know

Author: Test, D.W., Fowler, C., & Kohler, P.
Publisher: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center


Practices and Predictors

Impact of Early Work Experiences on Subsequent Paid Employment for Young Adults With Disabilities

Author: Mamun, A.A., Carter, E.W., Fraker, T.M., & Timmins, L.L.
Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities


Early Work Experiences

Making Action Plans: Student-Centered Transitional Planning

Publisher: Paul V. Sherlock Center, Rhode Island College


Making Action Plans

Preparing Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities for Work: What School Leaders Need to Know About the New Legal Landscape

Author: Institute for Educational Leadership


Transition Policy Brief

Resource Mapping and Flow of Services

Author: Crane, K., Allison, R., & MaGee, C.
Publisher: National Technical Assistance Center on Transition


Resource Mapping

Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities

Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights


Preparing for Postsecondary Education

The 2020 Federal Youth Transition Plan: A Federal Interagency Strategy

Author: Federal Partners in Transition Workgroup


Youth Transition Plan

The Bridge to Work: Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Author: PACER Center
Publisher: PACER


Bridge to Work

Transition Fair Toolkit

Author: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
Publisher: Western Michigan University


Transition Fair Toolkit

Transition Quickguide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals

Author: Youth Transitions Collaborative/ Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement/ U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy
Transition Quickguide

What Do NCI Data Tell Us About the Characteristics and Outcomes of Young Adults Receiving Services?

Author: Giordano, S., & Bradley, V.
Publisher: National Core Indicators


Data Brief

Youth Action Council on Transition (YouthACT)

Publisher: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability


Youth Action Council on Transition

Inclusive Education

DREAM – Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring

Publisher: National Center for College Students with Disabilities



Inclusion Includes Belonging: How to Create and Sustain a Circle of Support

Author: Fialka Feldman, E., Fialka Feldman, M., & Fialka, J.


Circle of Support

“Be Careful What You Wish for…”: Five Reasons to Be Concerned About the Assignment of Individual Paraprofessionals

Author: Giangreco, M.F., Yuan, S., McKenzie, B., Cameron, P., & Fialka, J.
Publisher: TEACHING Exceptional Children


Be Careful What You Wish for…

10 Reasons to Support Inclusive School Communities for ALL Students

Author: Vandercook, T., Sabia, R., Shopa, A., & Lazarus, S.S.
Publisher: University of Minnesota: TIES Center


10 Reasons

A Principal’s Perspective: Inclusive Education

Author: Snow, K.
Publisher: Disability is Natural


Inclusive Education

A problem with success

Author: Dillon, J.


Problem with Success

A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education

Author: Hehir, T., Pascucci, S., & Pascucci, C.
Publisher: Abt Associates/Insituto Alana


Evidence on Inclusive Education

Achieving Inclusion: What Every Parent Should Know When Advocating For Their Child

Author: Causton-Theoharis, J., & Kasa, C.
Publisher: The PEAL Center
Achieving Inclusion

Addressing the Paraprofessional Dilemma in an Inclusive School: A Program Description

Author: Giangreco, M.F., Smith, C.S., & Pinckney, E.
Publisher: Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities


Addressing the Paraprofessional

All Means All: Building Knowledge for Inclusive Schoolwide Transformation

Author: Shogren, K.A., McCart, A.B., Lyon, K.J., & Sailor, W.S.
Publisher: SAGE


All Means All

Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies

Author: Stuart-Cassel, V., Bell, A., & Springer, J.F.
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education


Bullying Laws and Policies

Anchoring Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support in Structural School Reform

Author: Sailor, W., Zuna, N., Choi, J.H., Thomas, J., McCart, A., & Roger, B.
Publisher: TASH


Anchoring PBS

Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Publisher: Stop Bullying Now


Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Beyond Treats and Timeouts: Humanistic Behavioral Supports in Inclusive Classrooms

Author: Causton, J., Tracy-Bronson, C.P., & MacLeod, K.
Publisher: International Journal of Whole Schooling


Beyond Treats and Timeouts

Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support

Author: Ross, S., Horner, R., & Stiller, B.
Publisher: Educational and Community Supports


Bully Prevention in PBS

Bullying Among Children and Youth with Disabilities and Special Needs

Publisher: Stop Bullying Now
Bullying Among Children

Bullying Prevention and Intervention in Schools

Publisher: National Association of School Psychologists


Bullying Prevention and Intervention in Schools

Champions of Inclusion: Making the Extraordinary Ordinary

Author: Henderson, B.
Publisher: International Journal of Whole Schooling


Champions of Inclusion

Choosing the wrong drivers for whole system reform

Author: Fullan, M.
Publisher: Centre for Strategic Education


Choosing the wrong drivers

Closing the Gap through Extended Learning Opportunities

Publisher: NEA Education Policy and Practice Department


Closing the Gap

Co-Teaching: Creating Successful and Sustainable Programs

Author: Friend, M.
Publisher: Marilyn Friend, Inc.


Co-Teaching Programs

Collaboration Corner: Rethinking the IEP: Making Language the Foundation of Academics

Author: Davis, K.J.
Publisher: ASHA
Collaboration Corner

Creating a Circle of Support

Author: Davis, K.
Publisher: Indiana Resource Center for Autism


Creating a Circle of Support

Creating Inclusive Schools for All Students

Author: Causton-Theoharis, J., & Theoharis, G.
Publisher: The School Administrator


Creating Inclusive Schools

Delivering on Equity: Implications for Decision-makers

Author: Stonemeier, J., Trader, B., Richards, C., Blank, R., East, B., & Toson, A.
Publisher: SWIFT
Equity Reform

Developing inclusive education systems: the role of organisational cultures and leadership

Author: Ainscow, M., & Sandill, A.
Publisher: Routledge


Developing inclusive education systems

Dispelling the Myths of Inclusive Education

Publisher: TASH


Dispelling the Myths

Enhancing School Reform Through Expanded Learning

Author: Stonehill, R.M., Little, P.M., Ross, S.M., Neergaard, L., Harrison, L., Ford, J., Deich, S., Morgan, E., Donner, J.
Publisher: Learning Point Associates


Enhancing School Reform

Equity and Excellence: Finding Common Ground Between Inclusive Education and School Reform

Author: Fried, R.L, & Jorgensen, C. M.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Finding Common Ground

Evaluaton of Response to Intervention Practices for Elementary School Reading

Author: Balu, R., Zhu, P., Doolittle, F., Schiller, E., Jenkins, J., & Gersten, R.
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education


Evaluation of Response

Expanded Learning Opportunities – Pathways to Student Success

Author: Little, P.M.
Publisher: Harvard Family Research Project


Expanded Learning Opportunities

Extended Learning Opportunities

Author: Institute on Disability


Extended Learning Opportunities

Helping or Hovering? Effects of Instructional Assistant Proximity on Students with Disabilities

Author: Giangreco, M.F., Edelman, S.W., Luiselli, T.E., & MacFarland, S.Z.C.
Publisher: Exceptional Children


Helping or Hovering

How States Interpret the LRE Clause of IDEA: A Policy Analysis

Author: White, J.M., Cosier, M., and Taub, D.
Publisher: University of Minnesota: The TIES Center


LRE Clause

IEP One-Pager Planning Tool

Author: Fialka, J., & Fialka Feldman, E.
Publisher: Inclusion Press


IEP Planning Tool

If Everyone Agrees This Is So Important, Then Why Do So Few Kids with Disabilities Have Real Friends?

Author: Tashie, C., & Rossetti, Z.
Publisher: Institute on Disability
Real Friends

Include, Belong, Learn

Author: Theoharis, G., & Causton-Theoharis, J.
Publisher: Interventions That Work


Include, Belong, Learn

Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide pp 0-101

Author: Jorgensen, C.M., Schuh, M.C., & Nisbet, J.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide 1

Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide pp 103-146

Author: Jorgensen, C.M., Schuh, M.C., & Nisbet, J.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide 2

Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide pp 149-250

Author: Jorgensen, C.M., Schuh, M.C., & Nisbet, J.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Inclusion Facilitator’s Guide 3

Inclusion Includes Belonging: How to Create and Sustain a Circle of Support

Author: Fialka Feldman, E., Fialka Feldman, M., & Fialka, J.


Inclusion Included Belonging

Inclusive Education FAQs

Author: TASH



Inclusive Education FAQs – TASH

Author: TASH


Inclusive Education FAQs

Inclusive Schooling: Are We There Yet?

Author: Causton, J., & Theoharis, G.


Are We There Yet?

Innovative Scheduling, New Roles for Teachers, and Heterogeneous Grouping

Author: Jorgensen, C.M., Fisher, D., Sax, C., & Skoglund, K.L.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Organizational Factors

Isn’t it a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs

Author: Dunlap, T.


Isn’t it a Pity

Leading Inclusive Reform for Students with Disabilities: A School- and Systemwide Approach

Author: Theoharis, G., & Causton, J.
Publisher: Routledge


Leading Inclusive Reform for Students

Leading Inclusive Schools TODAY: Setting Your GPS

Author: Causton, J.


Leading Inclusive Schools

Long-term Outcomes of Services for Two Persons with Significant Disabilities with Differing Educational Experiences: A Qualitative Consideration of the Impact of Educational Experiences

Author: Ryndak, D.L., Ward, T., Alper, S., Montgomery, J.W., & Storch, J.F.
Publisher: Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities


Long-term Outcomes

Making Progress in the General Curriculum: Rethinking Effective Instructional Practices

Author: Copeland, S.R, & Cosbey, J.
Publisher: TASH


Access to Curriculum

Managing Complex Change Toward Inclusive Schooling

Author: Thousand, J.S., & Villa, R.A.
Managing Complex Change

More Than “Being There:” Promoting Social Connections Through Inclusion

Publisher: TASH


TASH Connections

Myths About Bullying

Publisher: Stop Bullying Now
Myths About Bullying

Oppressors or Emancipators: Critical Dispositions for Preparing Inclusive School Leaders

Author: Theoharis, G., & Causton-Theoharis, J.N.
Publisher: Routledge


Oppressors or Emancipators

PBIS Steps to Addressing Bullying Behavior at School

Author: Sugai, G., Horner, R., & Algozzine, B.


PBIS Steps

Peer Mediated Instruction Planning Form – Sample

Author: Jimenez, B., Courtade, G., & Browder, D.
Publisher: Attainment Company


Peer Mediated Instruction Planning Form

Personnel Preparation: Recurring Challenges and the Need for Action to Ensure Access to General Education

Author: Delano, M.E., Keefe, L., & Perner, D.
Publisher: TASH


Personnel Preparation

Philosophical Foundations of Inclusive, Restructuring Schools

Author: Fisher, D., Sax, C., & Jorgensen, C.M.
Publisher: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company


Philosophical Foundations

Preparing the Ground for What Is to Come: A Rationale for Inclusive High Schools

Author: Shapiro, S.
Preparing the Ground

Principals of Inclusive Schools

Author: Salisbury, C., & McGregor, G.
Publisher: Arizona State University


Principals of Inclusive Schools

Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in Schools

Author: Sugai, G., Horner, R., & Algozzine, B.
Publisher: OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports


Bullying Behavior in School

Schools of Promise: A School District-University Partnership Centered on Inclusive School Reform

Author: Causton-Theoharis, J., Theoharis, G., Bull, T., Cosier, M., & Dempf-Aldrich, K.
Publisher: SAGE


Schools of Promise

Stars in Alignment

Author: Sailor, W.S., & McCart, A.B.
Publisher: SAGE


Stars in Alignment

Strategies for Success: Creating Inclusive Classrooms that Work

Publisher: PA Developmental Disabilities Council


Creating Inclusive Schools

Supporting Student Success through Extended Learning Opportunities

Publisher: NH Department of Education
Supporting Student Success

SWIFT: Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation

Author: SWIFT



Teacher Preparation: Special Education Requirements for General Education Teachers

Author: Regional Educational Laboratory
Publisher: Education Development Center


Special Education Requirements

The #1 Need

Author: Snow, K.


Number One Need

The Benefits of Inclusive Education for ALL Students

Author: SWIFT
Benefits of Inclusive Education

The Dynamic Relationship Between Context, Curriculum, and Student Learning: A Case for Inclusive Education as a Research-based Practice

Author: Jackson, L.B., Ryndak, D.L., & Wehmeyer, M.L.
Publisher: TASH


Dynamic Relationship

The Power of the Inclusive Camp Experience

Author: Hall, A., Dunlap, T., Causton-Theoharis, J., & Theoharis, G.
Publisher: Camping Magazine


Inclusive Camp Experience

The Schoolwide Applications Model

Author: Sailor, W., & Roger, B.
Schoolwide Applications Model

Therapy Practices that Support Development and Membership

Author: Hutter-Pishgahi, L.
Publisher: Indiana Institute on Disability and Community


Therapy Practices

Typical responsibilities of speech-language pathologists

Publisher: The Speech-Language Pathologist
Responsibilities of SLP

What is a “good” ELO?

Author: Gfroerer, M.
Publisher: NH Department of Education


ELO Handbook

What Legitimizes Segregation? The Context of Special Education Discourse: A Response to Ryndak et al

Author: Jackson, L.
Publisher: SAGE


What Legitimizes Segregation?

What We Know About Bullying

Publisher: Stop Bullying Now
What We Know About Bullying

What Works: Bullying Prevention

Publisher: Institute on Disability


Bullying Prevention

Why It Matters

Author: Grace in the Ordinary


Why It Matters

Why Not Community-Based Instruction? High School Students with Disabilities Belong with their Peers

Author: Tashie, C., & Schuh, M.


Why Not Community-Based Instruction?


The Disability Inclusion Advantage

Author: Accenture, Disability: IN, and the American Association of People with Disabilities
The Disability Inclusion Advantage

2017 Red Book

Author: Social Security Administration

A summary guide to employment supports for persons with disabilities under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Programs

2017 Red Book

A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community-Business Partnerships

Author: Luecking, R., Deschamps, A., Allison, R., Hyatt, J., Stuart, C.
Publisher: TransCen, Inc./The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition


Partnership Guide

A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities

Author: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/ United States Department of Education


Transition Guide

A Young Person’s Guide to Health Care Transition

Author: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability


Guide to Health Care

Best Practices – Self Identification

Author: Disability: IN
Best Practices: Self Identification

Dignity Through Employment

Author: The President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities

2009 Report to the President

Dignity Through Employment

Discussion Guide for the Campaign for Disability Employment’s Public Service Announcement “Because”

Author: The Campaign for Disability Employment
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor

Employing People With Disabilities: Blueprint for Governors

Author: National Governors Association


Employing People with Disabilities

Employment for People with Disabilities: Twenty-Five Years Back and Ahead

Author: Blanck, P., Adya, M., Myhill, W.N., & Samant, D.
Publisher: Libraries Publishing


25 Years of Employment

Employment Preparation: Helping youth develop self-confidence and leadership skills

Publisher: Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation


Employment Preparation

Impact of Early Work Experiences on Subsequent Paid Employment for Young Adults With Disabilities

Author: Mamun, A.A., Carter, E.W., Fraker, T.M., & Timmins, L.L.
Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities


Early Work Experiences

Individualized Job Leads Plan

Job Leads Plan

Individualized Job Leads Plan (Network Brainstorming)

Brainstorming Plan

Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion

Author: Disability:In (formerly known as the USBLN) and U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion

Naomie’s Social Capital Meeting

Naomie’s Meeting

National Youth Transitions Center

Author: National Youth Transitions Center


National Youth Transitions Center

Our Ability Connect – Empowerment: Employment: Why and How

Author: Our Ability
Our Ability

Predictors of Postschool Employment Outcomes for Young Adults With Severe Disabilities

Author: Carter, E.W., Austin, D., & Trainor, A.A.
Publisher: Hammill Institute on Disabilities


Postschool Employment Outcomes

Professional Profile: Naomie Monplaisir

Naomie Professional Resume

Ranking of States on Employment of Peole with Disabilities Shows People with Disabilities in some states TWICE as likely to work as in others!

Ranking of States

Social Capital Conversation Guide

Social Capital Guide

The Bridge to Work: Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Author: PACER Center
Publisher: PACER


Bridge to Work

The Visual Resume of Naomie Monplaisir

Author: Monplaisir, N.
Naomie Resume

Think Beyond the Label

Publisher: Smart Policy Works
Think Beyond the Label

Valued, Able & Ready to Work: Employing Individuals with Down Syndrome

Author: National Down Syndrome Society


Valued, Able & Ready

What Can You Do?

Author: Campaign for Disability Employment
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
What Can You Do?

What Can You Do? Video

Author: The Campaign for Disability Employment
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor
What Can You Do?

Who I Am?: Discussion Guide for the Campaign for Disability Employment’s Public Service Announcement

Author: Campaign for Disability Employment
Publisher: U.S. Department of Labor


Who I Am

Youth Action Council on Transition (YouthACT)

Publisher: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability


Youth Action Council on Transition