Transition Films

Free Postsecondary Transition Films and Guides

These postsecondary transition films show effective transition practices captured on film. Each film also has a discussion guide to aid in classroom discourse.


Dream Out Loud

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation High School has launched a nationally-recognized entrepreneurial initiative enabling students with disabilities to learn business startup skills by managing and staffing an in-school coffee shop.

Dream Out Loud Discussion Guide

Jamia and Peyton: I Can Work

In Fayetteville, Arkansas, and dozens of other communities across the country, the PROMISE federal grant is enabling youth with disabilities like Jamia Davis and Peyton Denzer to obtain paid summer employment starting at age 14.

Jamia And Peyton: I Can Work Discussion Guide

Garrett Shows: I'm in Charge

ConVal Regional High School supports postsecondary transition through internships, Special Olympics Unified Sports, inclusive education, student-led IEP meetings, family engagement, and a regular diploma track for students like Garrett with intellectual disabilities.

Garrett Shows: I’m In Charge Discussion Guide


At the Medtronic Corporation in Tempe, Arizona, and the city government in Rochester, New York, executives and supervisors describe how mentoring and hiring young people with disabilities has a positive impact on their corporate efficiency and culture.

Untapped Discussion Guide